Theatre Production

FPA 2000


Duration of production

Is Repeatable: Yes


A dynamic, fast paced, energy packed theatre experience. Whether you want to act, dance, and sing, or design and build sets or costumes, or run the lights, or stage manage the entire show, there is a place for you. Students learn technical skills and gain performance experience as they prepare and perform a drama in the fall and a musical in the spring.

  • Students receive 0.5 Art credit per production. This is a non-graded course which does not calculate into the GPA and is documented as a Pass/Fail
  • Meets daily after school from 3:15-5:30pm and not during the school day
  • Full afternoon and evening rehearsals are required during tech week, the days leading up to the performances. Students are expected to be available for all required rehearsals
  • Participation in a theatre production is generally not compatible with a Fall or Spring sport
  • Entrance into Theatre Production is by audition and/or interview only. Auditions are held at the beginning of each semester
  • Requires a significant commitment of time and energy. Students in uncertain academic circumstances should seriously evaluate their situation prior to auditioning



Audition, teacher permission


$120 per production