Get to know
Engaging Academics
Get to Know BCS
Developing God-given Gifts

Get to Know BCS

Bellevue Christian School students experience engaging academic opportunities in equal measure with spiritual growth through discipleship. We believe that intellectual achievement is best balanced with deepening faith and strengthening character — and that all of this work happens best in a community where each person is loved and valued.

Defining Values


Loving God with our minds in the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.


Reflecting God’s love in our communication and interaction with others.


Cultivating Christian practices that produce growth, maturity, and virtue.

We Create Educational Experiences That Delight Students and Families

BCS is an independent, nondenominational Christian school that exists to support students and encourage families in their educational pursuits.

Zip Codes

Represented on our campuses


Local churches represented by our students & families

Faith Integration

Every class is taught with a Biblical worldview

1.5 Million

Awarded each year for tuition assistance

Relationship Building
Core practice #1

Pursuing Truth

Learning should be a door that opens the mind to life’s greatest questions. We believe every academic discipline reveals a view of God’s character and his purposes in the world. We pursue these glimpses through truth-seeking in our academic exploration, our classroom conversations, and our work. Our view is made more complete by the contributions of each person in our diverse community of learners. As we see God and know him more, we love him better, and the desire to use our gifts for his service grows.
Pursuing Truth
Core Practice #2

Significant Experiences

Learning should happen both inside and outside the classroom. At Bellevue Christian School, we celebrate milestones and moments to strengthen our relationships within our community. We organize mission trips, create memories at 5th grade Outdoor Education camp and 8th grade retreat, and offer meaningful FLEX experiences. A FLEX is a formational learning experience where students connect academic learning within a wider context of faith and service.

Creating Significant Experiences
Faith in Action
Creating Significant Experiences
Building Relationships
College Ready
Core Practice #3

Achievement and Grit

Learning requires courage to try new things, to volunteer perspectives you’re not yet sure of, and to risk failure in pursuit of something you haven’t yet grasped. At Bellevue Christian School, we encourage achievement, but we don’t hold it too tightly. We let go of anxiety to encourage exploration. Kids are free to try new things imperfectly and stretch to gain insight into their unique gifts.
Choose The Campus That Works Best For You!
Developing Grit
Core Practice #4


Each child at Bellevue Christian School brings more than their intellect to school each day. They also bring their hearts and souls. We nurture children and young adults to grow relationally and spiritually as they develop their intellect. We desire to produce well-balanced graduates who have the ability to discern the ingredients of a meaningful life and joyfully pursue what matters.
Embracing Wholeness
Having Fun Together
Embracing Wholeness
Practicing Christian Disciplines

Let us reach out to you!

We would love to get to know you more and explore how Bellevue Christian School can serve your family best. It is our desire that you experience a culture of belonging here at BCS — one that encourages you and your child to become all Christ made you to be.